Download converter hexadecimal para string c#

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27 November 2008

C# Convert Hexadecimal to Binary String Conversion

Let's convert the "A" character to binary format. When we call hex2binary("A"); it will return "1010" similar samples below;


very very thank you

Thank you very much!

Hi I am not able to convert a very large hexa value in binary using the code u provided. for eg

string binaryval = string.Empty;

binaryval += Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(ch.ToString(), 16), 2);

For large numbers you must use Convert.ToInt64.

strBinValue = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt64(strHex, 16), 2);

@ck I didn't try, but I think you'll lose zeros when parsing characters that translate to less than 4 bits. You should add them by padding each value with zeros up to 4 bits.

hi, I agree Stonkie zeros lose if first bit is zero of 4 bits' .how can I fix this problem.

you can just do it all as one line, like this

return Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(hexvalue, 16), 2);

Is this valid to Convert the hexadecimal to 4 bit binary too??

Thanks, I forget this every time. Should probably write it down somewhere handy.

I'll have to implement this into my code tonight when I get back to my place, should do what I want hopefully. (Let's say I have a file that was way to large LOL)

just a modification to the above code, as suggested by stonkie:

binaryval = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(hexString, 16), 2);

if (binaryval.Length != hexString.Length * 4)

int bitsdifference = hexString.Length * 4 - binaryval.Length;

for (int i = 0; i < bitsdifference; i++)

binaryval = "0" + binaryval;

const String strInput = "F23E44810EE1805A0000004004000062";

.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (builder, c) =>